Thursday, August 27, 2009

US Weekly, People, Star!

I know a lot of people who don't care that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were recently at the Kings of Leon concert together, or that Bill Maher said that Brad Pitt rolls the best joins in town. They've never heard of or and don't even know enough to hate Heidi and Spencer. They're somewhere between myspace and facebook but have no clue what the point of twitter is (does anybody really know?) and have never been to the twittersphere.

I am not one of those aforementioned people.

For reasons unknown to me I have a twitter and tweet from my phone. I have a facebook and a myspace and both are accessible from my iPod touch. I loathe Heidi and Spencer, Brad smoking weed doesn't surprise me, and while I don't give two hoots about the Twilight couple, I'm really just jealous that they went to the Kings of Leon concert because I really want to go. I'm the girl that supplies everyones guilty pleasure. I announced when Jessica and Tony broke up, when Jen and John broke up, when Jon and Kate broke up. . . Pattern! I love the down and dirty, the celebrity feuds and who's dating who, but there are a couple things that I'm ready to gauge my eyes out if I have to see one more time.

Heidi and Spencer
Michael Jackson
Jon and Kate


Jon and Kate, once good parents who were loved by 85% of the country, have now been reduced to horrible, bickering, jokes of their former selves. Jon needs to start acting like the father of 8 that he is and just deal with the fact that he's not going to be a Single guy ever again! It's done, rub some dirt in it, move on. Kate needs to realize that she's a control freak that will probably drive away any suitor with balls. And a backbone.

Heidi and Spencer, please fall into an active volcano. No, really. Don't claim to be all up in Christ's hizouse if every time you see a flipping flash you stick your ass out. That's really classy of you. And the self promotion has got to stop. No, really. You're famous (I use that term loosely-ha, like Heidi!) because you're idiots. You have no talent, you're not pretty and really, you just knew the right person who incidently also has no talent. Stop taking vacations and expecting me to care where you are. I didn't, I don't and I never will.

Michael Jackson, I'm sorry you were a psycho freak that molested small children and got away with it. I'm sorry that your doctor probably killed you but will you please go away now. I don't care that the funeral was scheduled and then postponed and that LaToya's out to make sure that the world knows that she suspected foul play in the first place. Seriously. Who would've thought that the man of many faces wouldn't die of his nose caving in. He was a weird guy. A talented kid that grew into a talented young man that morphed into a weird guy that died. Let it gooooooo.

Will these three continue to be in the headlines? Yes. Will I gauge my eyes out? No. Will I continue to complain about it? Of course. It's my right as a celebrity watching enthusiast. My dad still complains about sports and watches every game. Celebrity babies are like my play-offs.


  1. LeAnn Rimes and her boy toy made their official "we're a couple" by going to the Kings of Leon concert together also.This celeb watching runs in the family, unfortunately. Did anyone notice that Domminick Dunn died yestersay as well as Senator Kennedy? He was an excellent author and newsman. I saw one featureon him .. all day.

  2. I just read your blog. We have stayed at Signal Mountain Lodge this year and in 2007 while you were apparently there. It is a beautiful place. My son is 23 and twin daughters are 21. I love the tetons and envy you your summer stays. I hope you find what you want to do in the winters. We grew very attached to a female moose this past stay (only 6 days in mid May) who liked to hang around the campground. I cannot imagine how hard it would be to see one of the animals you see on a regular basis killed by sheer carelessness. Did you ever see bear 399 this year? You just keep on doing what makes you makes you fulfilled. You can do a lot worse than living in a gorgeous plac in the summers. Good luck sweetie.

  3. I passed along a meme to you daughter dear... You must have some screts you can share. Stop by and check it out.

  4. Oh, I love the celebrity rags, too!

    You should try to blog more, Teton Girl. You've got a nice writing style!

  5. Mom - I know you're basking in the sun and fun but I did your meme! Just thought I'd let you know.

    Ms. McMurtray - It was so nice seeing you again this year! I'm glad you got to be around for the great fire of '09.

    Linda - Thanks for the support! I'm trying to get out there more now that I know other people besides my mother read this.
