Monday, April 6, 2009

An introduction of sorts. Stolen from Facebook of course.

1. When I was around 7 years old, I had a thing for Robin and not just any Robin but the one from the old television show. You know, BIF! BAM! POW! That one. I would religiously watch the show on the weekends and read the comics hoping that I could meet my favorite person some day. Well, imagine my surprise when I received a letter from the Boy Wonder himself one day. I started writing letters to him and he would answer with comic books or little stories about his adventures with Batman. It lasted for a few months, but then the letters stopped coming and I stopped noticing. As I got older it never occured to me to ask where they actually came from and a few years later, I found out that my dad had been writing them. He was living in a different state at the time and it was his way of being there. I still have a few of those letters and they're something that I'll keep forever.

2. I don't think that I will ever be happy with any decision that I've made in regards to the career that I want for myself. Once I think I've finally found something that I'm happy with something else jumps in front of it and turns into the very thing that I must do. I've run the gamit from wanting to work with the FBI to Cosmetology School to being a Nanny and finally to working with the media either through television or radio. Being a journalist sounds good, too.

3. I am deathly afraid of clowns. No, it didn't stem from watching 'It' and I know that it's an irrational phobia, but it's there nonetheless and I've yet to get over it. I once hyperventilated in a restaurant because a clown was walking too closely.

4. I think that with my family history I was born to live in the south. My grandparents are from Missouri and Arkansas, so it's in my blood. I love sweet tea, boiled peanuts and I'm an avid user of 'Yes ma'am, No ma'am and Yes sir, No sir. I also love saying or being called honey, darlin', sweetheart, baby and whatever other southern affectionate term you can think of.

5. During the 2nd grade, I was living in Lexington, South Carolina and taking speech classes for the lisp I had. Twice a week, I would go to a special classroom where they would teach me the appropriate placement of my tongue when saying my 'S's' (against the roof of your mouth, behind your front teeth). Because I was essentially relearning how to talk, I was the only member of my family that left South Carolina a year later with a southern accent. It has since been worn away but it secretly still lingers on certain words and phrases just waiting to pop out fully.

6. I watch the Oscar's diligently and inevitably cry during at least one part, which usually turns out to be during the best actress portion of the show. I have practiced my acceptance speech, planned the basic idea of the dress that I'll wear, and promised my mother that she'll be my date for the show and for Oprah the next day.

7. I've recently moved to North Carolina where your Driver's License lasts for eight years. The idea of staying in one state for eight years is so foreign to me that I'll be amazed if it really happens. I like going on adventures too much to plan that far ahead in the future.

8. If I could pack up and go anywhere in the world at this very moment, I would pack my parka and head off to Russia. Ever since I took my russian class in high school I've wanted to see Red Square, the Kremlin, Moscow, that bar that's entirely made out of ice, and everything else they have to offer. Some might think that it's not that safe, but if you think smart then you'll find yourself able to travel alone unlike some other places in the world.

9. I miss checking my horoscope every day in the Jackson Hole Daily. I also miss the headline stories where the front picture never matched the main story. Oh, Daily, when will you learn?

10. If I'm flipping through the television and land on a trashy realty show, I always stop and get myself sucked in. Sometimes it's nice to see people who are prettier, skankier and dumber than you make a fool of themselves on cable television. Rock of Love, Sober House, Girls Next Door, Shot at Love, etc. They are a train wreck that I haven't been able to find a way to look away from, yet. There might come a day where I skip right by but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

11. I used to think that I needed to be married with children by the age of 25, but as I get older, I've learned that I'm pretty good on my own. I can get in the car and drive anywhere without checking with someone. My plans can change on a whim, and I really like not having to worry about anyone else but myself.

12. I love the colors pink and purple and consider myself somewhat of a girly girl. I hate skirts, though, because I hate my legs. I also hate shaving, but I'm pretty sure that every girl hates that.

13. On my 23rd birthday I had 2 Long Islands, some fancy drink from ChinaTown, 3 vodka crans, and a lot of tequila shots. I then proceeded to jump in this lady's lap and tell her how fabulous her daughter was because she was in the Army and died in Iraq (apparently, she didn't), I superman fell in front of a cop at the gas station and then slammed my thumb so hard in the stall door that I nearly broke it, threw up twice on the way home and fell into it once, but best of all, I woke up the next morning, on the floor with only my sweatshirt on. The problem was that my legs were through the arms of my sweatshirt. Yes, I was wearing it as pants. At work, I had to run out of a meeting so I could puke in the bathroom for an hour. This is how I got the nickname Upchuck Ally and also the reason that I haven't really drank again since.

14. I love everything playboy. If I could decorate my entire house in playboy, I would.

15. I'm a complete believer in ghosts and paranormal activity. I watch the Discovery Channel show A Haunting with my mom almost every weekday because I have yet to find a job. Even after seeing all the fucked up things, I still want to own a Ouija board and my mother will still not allow one in her house.

16. I spent two summers and one year of my life in the best place on earth with some of the best people on earth. As a result, I have more friends scattered around the country than I have in the town that I live in.

17. I've used one semester of Russian class more than I ever thought that I would. It's come in handy on cruise ships and with international students at Signal.

18. As much as I love to travel, I still don't own a passport. I haven't been able to justify spending the money when I know that I won't use it for anything other than verification of being a US citizen. My mother says that if I had one then I'd be able to go anywhere that I wanted, but that requires money. Something that I don't have.

19. I've been writing letters to active duty soldiers for 4 years and I'll continue to do it until every one of them is home safe and sound.

20. I love lying in bed after waking up, just lying and listening to everything go on around you. My least favorite thing is having to wake up and get out of bed right away. It puts me in a bad mood and I hate being in a bad mood.

21. I'm not into romantic cliches. I hate roses, I'm not particularly fond of diamonds, and I don't see any reason for a couple to have a 'song'. I want a colorful engagement ring, purple, blue, green, something that's not traditional.

22. I love lilac bushes. We had three in the backyard of our old house in Michigan and my favorite thing was when they'd blossom and we'd bring bushels into the house.

23. My favorite perfume is, and always will be, Beautiful by Estee Lauder. It's the same perfume that my mother has worn for the last 20 years and it always brings me great comfort to smell it. I've got the lotion and the perfume myself now.

24. I love flea markets, thrift stores, antique shops, but a garage sale feels like picking through someone elses trash. I don't get it, but I will rarely shop at one if given the chance.

25. It's taken me almost 2 weeks to make this list.

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