Friday, April 17, 2009

A simple example of my writing. Nothing more, nothing less.

I often think of stories. Throughout my day, I'll get bored or I'll see something and this whole story will just form in my mind. I'll know the characters, their names and their families. I'll know their likes and dislikes, ages, origins and birth orders. Most of the time, otherwise known as all of the time, they never go anywhere but into the unneeded depths of my brain. This happened to be on the very rare occasion where something came out and got put onto paper/computer. I called my sister and threw it out there on the phone because I was bored and I like to annoy her with things she doesn't care about in the least. Well, to my surprise, she told me that I needed to get a blog and just start writing because it was really good. She also stated, as an aspiring writer, that she was jealous. I figured that since she liked it so well, I'd put it out for others to see, not to mention the fact that it's the whole reason that I have this thing in the first place so I'd be remiss not to put it on here. It's just a couple paragraphs and it's really nothing fancy. Just something that spilled from my brain onto the computer. The slightest bit of background; her name is Sydney and she has divorced parents that have both remarried. She also lives in Santa Monica and owns her business.

They say that 60 is the new 40.

I don't know who 'they' are but if that's true then does that make 29 the new 17? That age in your life when you discover that you have no idea who you are, where you want your life to go or who you want to be when you get there. Yeah, that sounds about right. In the span of ten years, weight fluctuates, wrinkles grow, and life continues to throw curve balls that are completely unexpected. I guess that's why they're called curve balls; if they were expected then they'd be called straight-as-an-arrow balls or saw-them-coming-a-mile-away balls. Life wouldn't like that.

So, at 29 the new 17, if you love your career, your business is thriving, and you're content with your home life, can you call your life fulfilled? Or does that word 'content' open a barrel of monkeys all on its own? I guess what I'm asking is when can you make the distinction that you've reached perfection, fulfilled your potential, made the most of yourself? So many different ways to say it but they all mean the same thing, they all come down to the same main idea. At 29 the new 17 more questions arise then are answered it seems, and no matter how many tasks or achievements you cross off life's list there are always more behind it just waiting to get that strike-through.

I'll pose another question, do you have to wait for 30 the new 24, or 47 the new 39, to get all the questions answered that you have at 29 the new 17? Age is supposed to give you wisdom, you learn from your mistakes, and because of that you're able to teach others. Maybe that's how it's supposed to go, but from my experience nobody has any answers. At least my four parents don't have any answers and that's incredibly annoying. Four separate lives joined together by chance and yet, four separate people have four exact answers that really amount to no answer at all. "I don't know, Sydney, you'll find the answer eventually." They mean well, they do, but I could really do with some sage advice right about now.

Right about now when I look around me and see an amazing business with fantastic employees, a close knit family albeit over two thousand miles away, and a fabulous life that others would love to have. Right about now when I look at my future and feel something missing. Something that I can't put my finger on but I just know is out there. That's what all my questions are for but at 29 the new 17, I have no answers and that's annoying.

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