Saturday, June 13, 2009

31 Things I've Learned Over My 24 Years

1. Family members can be friends and friends can be like family members.
2. No matter how hard you try somebody will always be offended. It can't be avoided. If by accident, apologize; if intentional, accept the consequences.
3. It's ten times easier to fall in love than to stay in love. And no matter what the sad
songs say, hearts do mend.
4. There is no good way to remove a band-aid, just grab and yank.
5. Hop in the car and drive until you get lost -- you'll be amazed at the many new places you discover on the way.
6. Snow angels and snowmen are not only for the young in age; they are also for the young at heart.
7. A person that is rude to the waiter but nice to you, is not, in all actuality, a nice person.
8. Song dedications are never overrated.
9. Worrying is.
10. I don't care what studies scientists do, what concepts they come up with, Pluto will always be a planet.
11. Never, under any circumstance, should you confuse your career with your life.
12. Life's modern inventions have made things easier but also made us lose our connections. Take the time to write a letter and send it with a stamp to one person - they will be surprised and thankful.
13. Lemons are for lemonade, limes are for tequila.
14. You will not be able to stop people talking about you, but you will be able to control how you react to it.
15. As people grow older, they grow apart and that's okay. The best friend that you had in high school does not have to be the best friend that you have now.
16. A one night stand does not a slut make.
17. The secret to happy living is not to do what you like but to like what you do.
18. A dog is also woman's best friend.
19. Find a hobby, try something new, or talk to a stranger; any of the above keep life interesting.
20. The best ideas occur either in bed or in the shower, so nap often and be conscious of your hygiene.
21. Nobody is perfect; being wrong isn't failing.
22. Sleep, specifically napping, is underrated.
23. Learn to lie a little, especially to your friends, they already know enough people that will tell them the truth about their failings.
24. Don't even try to argue with police officers or referees, you'll never win.
25. An apple a day may possibly keep the doctor away, but where's the proof?
26. An ice cold beer at a beach on a warm day is as good as it gets.
27. Be it a letter, an email, or a text, you can never proofread too many times.
28. Hanging a coat in your closet rather than over the back of a chair when you're just going to wear it the next day is a waste of time. So is making the bed in the morning.
29. The one thing that unites all human beings regardless of age, race or gender is that, deep down inside, we all believe we are right all of the time.
30. Life without video games is not a life worth living.
31. Enjoy what (or who) you've been given because, somewhere, someone else wishes they could live your life.

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